Runway Influence

What is the best time to post on Instagram?

beautiful model influencer in black dress

Hi to everybody! When is the optimum time to publish on Instagram? That is the question that many businesses, influencers, and content producers have been thinking about, and as the owner of Runway Influence, I’m excited to give my thoughts on the subject.

It takes more than just producing high-quality content to be successful on Instagram; you also need to know when to share your posts. You may increase your total engagement and maximize your reach by being aware of when your audience is most active and engaged. I will go over the variables that affect the ideal publishing times, techniques for figuring out your particular optimal posting hours, and advice for maintaining consistency with your posting schedule in this extensive tutorial.

Acquiring Knowledge of the Instagram Algorithm

Understanding the Instagram algorithm is crucial before delving into the mechanics of publishing timings. The algorithm considers a number of elements when deciding which posts to display in a user’s feed, including:

User relationship: The algorithm gives content from accounts that a user interacts with frequently priority.

Interest: Based on a user’s prior actions, Instagram may anticipate the kind of material they are most likely to engage with.

Timeliness: A user’s feed is more likely to show recent posts.

The selection of posts a user sees depends on how frequently they access the app.

Following: The rivalry for a space in a user’s feed increases as they follow more accounts.

You may adjust your posting approach to provide your material the best chance of showing up in the feeds of your target audience by being aware of these elements.

General Ideal Instagram Posting Times

The ideal times to post on Instagram based on user engagement have been determined by a number of research. There is no one size fits all solution, but several broad tendencies have surfaced. The ideal times to post are typically:

  • It’s best to post on weekdays, Monday through Friday 9 to 11am and afternoon from 1 to 3pm and 7 to 9pm in the evening.
  • Users are most active during work breaks, mornings, and evenings. These are general patterns that may not apply to your demography.

Target Audience Analysis

Before scheduling brand posts, analyze your audience. Age, geography, occupation, and interests substantially influence Instagram followers’ activity.

For instance, you might need to post at various times to effectively reach all sectors of a worldwide audience distributed over numerous time zones. The peak activity times of your audience may also vary depending on whether it is primarily made up of students or working professionals.

You can utilize Instagram Insights, a built-in analytics tool accessible to business and creator accounts, to learn more about the behavior of your audience. This tool offers useful data on the characteristics of your audience as well as the times of day when they are most engaged on the platform.

Doing Tests to Determine Your Best Posting Time

The next step is to run tests to determine your ideal posting time once you have a general understanding of your audience’s behavior. Try posting at various times during the day and on various days of the week to achieve this. To spot any trends or patterns, keep watch of your engagement data, such as likes, comments, shares, and saves.

Don’t forget to allow every experiment ample time to provide reliable results. Testing could go on for a few weeks before enough information is gathered to make significant judgments. Never be reluctant to modify and improve your posting strategy in light of your findings.

Adapting to Various Content Types

During various times of the day, various sorts of content could do better. For instance, content that is informative or inspirational may be more persuasive in the morning, whereas lighthearted, enjoyable content may be more persuasive in the evening. Consider the potential effects of the type of your material on engagement as you experiment with alternative posting times.

Using Instagram Reels and Stories

Use Instagram Stories and Reels in addition to your normal feed updates to be active on the network without being restricted to set publishing hours. Reels offers a place for quick, interesting video material, whereas Instagram Stories let you upload transient content that vanishes after 24 hours.

No matter when your audience is most active individually, you can reach and engage them all day long by including Stories and Reels into your content strategy.

Reliability of Posting

It’s crucial to keep a regular posting schedule once you’ve determined the best publishing hours for your company. Consistency encourages the Instagram system to favor your posts and trains your audience to anticipate content from you.

Use content scheduling solutions like Later or Planoly to aid with your consistency. With the help of these tools, you can organize and schedule your articles in advance, ensuring that you always have information available for sharing at the right moments.

Growing and Adjusting to Changes

It’s critical to review your publishing schedule and modify your strategy as your brand and audience develop. A change in your posting schedule may be necessary, so keep an eye on your engagement metrics and audience behavior. Have an open mind and be prepared to modify your strategy as your brand develops and your target market’s tastes shift.

Maintaining Platform Updates

Instagram frequently introduces new features and changes that may affect user engagement and behavior. To ensure that your material remains accessible and pertinent in your audience’s feed, be updated about these adjustments and modify your publishing strategy as necessary.

Using Calls-to-Action and Captions to Promote Engagement

It’s crucial to promote engagement with your material by creating intriguing subtitles and include calls-to-action in addition to determining the optimum time to post (CTAs). Encourage your audience to interact with your material by leaving comments, liking, and sharing it. This will increase your visibility and general engagement on the site.


One of the most important components of a successful social media strategy is choosing the right moment to post on Instagram. You may increase your reach and interaction on Instagram by comprehending the algorithm, researching your specific demographic, and experimenting with various posting times.

Keep in mind that there isn’t a single, appropriate response to this query. Your target demographic, the type of material you plan to post, and your overall social media strategy will all influence the best posting time for your brand. Be ready to modify and hone your strategy as your brand expands and your target market’s tastes change.

I hope this tutorial has given you insightful information and practical advice for choosing the optimal times to post on Instagram. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any queries or would like to share your own experiences. For more professional guidance and ideas on social media marketing, don’t forget to follow Runway Influence on Instagram. Have fun posting!

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